Business, Design Melissa Yeager Business, Design Melissa Yeager

Bulletproof Business Practices for Introverts & People Pleasers

If you're anything like me, you can't stand conflict. Tension makes your skin crawl and you'd rather swallow your pride in an effort to keep everyone happy. Being an introvert and a people pleaser, I'm personally inclined to keep quiet while others get loud. However when it comes to running a business, that just doesn't work.

I've heard far too many horror stories of creatives being manipulated and trampled by their own good intentions. Whether they slipped into perpetual “yes” mode, got dragged into an endless cycle of revisions, or never got paid for their hard work, these stories used to terrify me as I toyed with the idea of working for myself.

How could an introvert and people pleaser like me put on a fierce face and be the boss I needed to be? As I've come to learn, the key is to create systems that set you up for success. These 7 strategies have helped bring me out of my introverted people-pleasing shell. My hope is that they'll do the same for you too.

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Design Melissa Yeager Design Melissa Yeager

Restored 316 - Logo & Brand Identity

I'm beyond thrilled to finally unveil the new branding I've been working so hard on behind the scenes for Restored 316! When Lauren first contacted me I resonated so strongly with her story and our first call proved to me right away that we'd be a great fit. So without further ado, I'm so excited to share a peek into the process behind Restored 316's new look!

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Design Melissa Yeager Design Melissa Yeager

Function Coffee Labs - Signage

Function Coffee Labs, a Philly-based specialty coffee shop with a focus on crafting delicious experiences, was the first branding project I took on under my new business last January. For this reason, FCL's branding will always hold an extra special place in my heart.

My work with owners Meg and Ross not only helped me feed my caffeine addiction and better understand the specialty coffee realm, but it also helped me uncover my passion for branding within the hospitality industry. 

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Business, Design Melissa Yeager Business, Design Melissa Yeager

Getting the Most Value from Your Designer

Whether it's a logo and brand identity, package design, or a full website, professional design is an big, exciting investment. You've put a lot of thought into this decision. So now that you've decided to hire a designer, how can you be sure to get the most value for your time and money? Well, friend, these 7 tips will help you do just that!

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Business, Design Melissa Yeager Business, Design Melissa Yeager

Making Sense of Your Brand's Color Palette

Just as logo and brand files can be a bit confusing to implement, I've encountered more than a client or two that is totally baffled by their brand's color palette. Although they're absolutely smitten with their brand's new color scheme, it's all those color values that are the issue! Pantone, RGB, CMYK, and hex—what does it all mean? Which ones do you use for print? What about web? Does it really even matter?

Although it can be frustrating at first, it absolutely matters. Not to worry—your brand's color palette doesn't have to be another headache! I'm here to break down the different color terms you'll likely encounter in your brand guidelines so you know what they mean and how to use them.

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Business, Design Melissa Yeager Business, Design Melissa Yeager

Making Sense of Your Brand's Logo & Identity Files

The branding process takes an extraordinary amount of time, effort, and collaboration between designer and client. But what about all those mysterious final files? Too often they're just passed on as an afterthought with little explanation of where and when to use them.

So when should you use which file type anyway? What's the difference between web and high resolution? What if you need to use your logo over a photo? What then? Well, that's exactly what I'm hear to share today. So bear with me, and I'll do my best to shed some light on all those shiny new brand assets you can't wait to use!

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Business, Design Melissa Yeager Business, Design Melissa Yeager

How to Find the Right Brand Designer

So you're thinking about investing in a new logo and brand identity, huh? Congratulations!! This is such an exciting time and a huge step for your brand! So what's next? Well, whether you're starting from scratch with a new business or you're ready to take your existing business to the next level, it's essential to find the right designer for the job.

Granted, there are countless designers out there with all kinds of styles and stories, so how in the world are you supposed to find the right fit for your business and vision? Well, lucky for you I'm here with 6 steps that will guide you down the path to finding the best designer for your brand. Let's dig in!

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Business, Design Melissa Yeager Business, Design Melissa Yeager

Finding Your Niche

There are two kinds of people in this crazy world—those that let life happen to them, and those that build the life they want to live and own the heck out of it. Most of us start out as the former.

Then one day, you wake up.

You realize you're tired of living in the shadows and talking about all the things you want to do instead actually of doing them. You're sick of window-shopping the life you want instead of creating it. You know you're capable of amazing things, and it's time to prove it.

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Design Melissa Yeager Design Melissa Yeager

Creative Picnic - Brand Identity

I've known Alex for a few years now, so when she approached me with an idea for a new business I couldn't have been more curious. She explained that she wanted to provide hands-on marketing consulting for skilled creatives, needed an amazing brand identity to be the face of this new adventure, and was just as enthusiastic about working together as I was. The only issue? She hadn't nailed down a name yet.

The Name Game

I'd been itching to offer naming assistance along with my branding services for quite a while, and this was my chance! I started the process off much like every other branding project I take on—with lots of discovery and strategy. Of course we wanted the name to sound cool, but even more so it had to make sense for her chic, fresh, and fun new brand.

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