Business, Design Melissa Yeager Business, Design Melissa Yeager

Build It Yourself

A few years ago, things were getting pretty serious between Sam and I (my then-boyfriend, now-husband). We knew we wanted to tie the knot and settle down, it was just a matter of popping that question. Of course being a designer and a bit of a control freak, I insisted on picking out my own engagement ring. It took some serious convincing, but after weeks of persuasion Sam finally agreed.

We stopped at shops large and small. We scoured Jeweler's Row in Philly, but I was looking for a very specific combination of antique style with modern utility. I wanted just the right amount of ornamentation, a simple profile from the top, and to have it fit with a straight wedding band. As it turns out, this was a pretty tall order. Sam continued to be patient with me, even though he admitted at least one nightmare where I looked through an endless wall of rings and still couldn't find the one. Yeah, he's a trooper, my Sam.

After months of frantic searching, I still couldn't find exactly what I wanted. Then, finally, it occurred to me. If I couldn't find the right one, why couldn't I just make it myself? So that's exactly what I did.

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News, Business Melissa Yeager News, Business Melissa Yeager

My First 2 Months of Owning a Design Business

I cannot believe it's been two months since I officially quit my full-time job to take my brand design business full-time. It's definitely been a whirlwind, filled with personal victories and a lot more adjustments than I was anticipating. Much like my two week check-in, I want to take this time to pause for a bit and look back at my first two months of owning a creative business.

My Two Month Takeaways

So what's new since my last check-in? Where have I struggled? What's been going well? What have I learned? Read on and I'll tell you all about it, dollface.

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Business Melissa Yeager Business Melissa Yeager

Save Time & Sanity With These Systems

Now that you've started your creative business, I'm sure you can't wait to share your magic with the world. The problem is that as a business owner, there are so many other responsibilities that now fall on your shoulders. Let's be honest, at first you'll be wearing all of the hats. As a result, it can be hard to find enough time to devote to the actual work you want your business to be known for.

What can you do to fight back? Save time wherever you possibly can. Hustle smarter—yes this means saying “no” a lot more so you can say “heck yes” to what's truly important. Another way to hustle smarter is to implement systems. There are tons of apps out there that can help your workflow work better. Use these systems to save time and make sure the facets of your business play nice with one another.

Saving on Systems

I know what you're thinking.

Melissa, I don't have the money to invest in fancy apps right now. I'm just getting started!

Believe me, I hear you. Being relatively new to business ownership myself, I've done a ton of research to find the best bang for my buck. What I've found is that many great apps are scalable for your business, meaning you can start using them with very little investment (or even for free!). Once your business and your needs grow, you can scale your subscriptions up too.

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Business, Design Melissa Yeager Business, Design Melissa Yeager

6 Simple Steps to Starting a Creative Business

I started my business a little over a month ago. Before that, I'd always worked for someone else—always been an employee. First of all, there's nothing wrong with that. My family has always been successful and happy working for companies, so I never really considered starting my own business until about a year ago.

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Business, Design Melissa Yeager Business, Design Melissa Yeager

Naming Your Creative Business

Whether you're starting something brand new or putting a fresh spin on an existing company, there are many considerations that go along with naming a creative business. While a name is only one facet of your brand, the right name can go a long way in helping you stand out and attract the right type of clients.

I know that with all of the pressure and expectations of this name needing to be just right, it's hard to know where to begin. Don't worry, I'm here for you! This guide will walk you through the process of finding that new name with a free workbook to walk you through the process step-by-step!

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News, Business Melissa Yeager News, Business Melissa Yeager

My First 2 Weeks of Owning a Design Business

Remember a couple years ago when brightly colored pants were coming back into style? I sure do. I'd see a girl walking down the street rocking those fuchsia skinnies and think, “Dang, I wish I could pull those off.” Even if fluorescent pants or bright red lipstick weren't your thing (yep, I've been there too), we've all been in this position.

So many of us waste our lives in the shadows—wallflowers swooning over what someone else is doing. We can't help putting them on a pedestal and thinking, “If only I could pull that off...” If only you could wear those pants or that lipstick. If only you could quit your job, and finally do what you love. If only...

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